Monday, April 27, 2009

Charlie Scott

Charlie Scott was born on December 15, 1948. Charlie Scott was a basketball player at UNC. Charlie also played for ABA for two seasons and NBA for eight seasons.

Another fact about Charlie is in 1966 he was the first black man to get a scholarship for basketball to UNC.

When Charlie was playing basketball, he was the only black player on the team. In that time not many black players had played basketball with white players.

Some of the players on the team weren't comfortable around Charlie because he was black. In fact, Charlie was sometimes asking himself, "Why am I here?".

Another thing about Charlie is his Dad died when he was twelve and his coach, Dean Smith, was the closest family Charlie had. So, life has been hard for Charlie, but the main thing that came out of this story is a man with courage can make a difference in life.

By: Anna K.

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